Geert De Smet
E.D. | 85cm x 85 cm | charcoal on paper on wood panel | 2020
Geert De Smet (°1960) lives and works in Wijgmaal (Leuven). His career started in theatre, with a degree in theatre directing at the RITCS in Brussels (1983). He obtained a First Prize in Dramatic Art with Senne Rouffaer at the Conservatory of Brussels (1988). Until 2003 he worked for various companies in Belgium (KVS, KNS, Speeltheater,…) and the Netherlands (NNT Groningen with Karst Woudstra). He took part in theatre tours in the Netherlands, France, Spain and Canada with Speeltheater Gent. Since 1996 he has been a part-time drama teacher at the SLAC in Leuven.
Yet there was also a need to express his own feelings. He soon started to focus on graphic and plastic arts: until 1996 he followed Graphic Art, Drawing and Painting with Eric Leon at the Rijksacademie in Anderlecht. From 1998 he also started to sculpt, as an autodidact.
As a sculptor he works with plaster (sometimes in combination with wood) or with sculptor's wax. The statues are then cast in bronze using the lost wax method. An installation of his bronze sculptures can be found in the National MS Center in Melsbroek, among others.
Geert also likes to draw a lot, preferably with charcoal and in larger formats.
Solo Exhibitions
Le Neuf Gallery, 2021
Galerie De Buck, Gent, 2016
Stop:Watch, Wijgmaal, 2015
Galerie De Buck, Gent, 2012
Tweebronnen, Leuven, 2011
Galerie De Buck, 2010
Galerie De Buck, 2009
Raad Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Brussel, 2008
Geert De Smet Studio, Wijgmaal, 2007
Galerie Canvas, Mechelen, 2003
Galerie Canvas, Mechelen, 2001
Group Exhibitions
“Open poort in Stevoort”, Art & Advice, Hasselt, 2020
“Screening a collection: 54 solo exhibitions & one group show”, F.O.M.A. Galerie, Genk, 2019
“Sentimos”, Portretten en Landschappen, Galerie De Buck, Gent, 2016
Yes Art Gallery Sint-Idesbald, 2016
Kunstroute Leuven, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2007
“A personal choice”, Galerie Judy Straten en Art & Advice, Hasselt, 2014
Galerie Van Campen & Rochtus, Knokke, 2014
“NOT for sale”, persoonlijke collectie 25 jaar Art & Advice, Hasselt, 2013
“Het paradijs- Le paradis- The paradise”, Galerie De Buck, 2013
12e Triënnale van de beeldhouwkunst, Camp & Campo, Antwerpen, 2013
Triënnale van de hedendaagse beeldhouwkunst, Garten 5, Destelbergen, 2013
“Door het oog van de herinnering”, Galerie Van Campen & Rochtus, Antwerpen, 2013
Duotentoonstelling Geert de Smet en Joop Vugs, Art & Advice, Hasselt, 2012
“Art Brut”, Duffel, 2012
Kunstroute Bierbeek, 2011
“Vogels over de vloer”, WZC Zonnebloem, Zwijnaarde, 2010
Pappillon, Oude gevangenis, Hasselt, 2007
Wijland, Koksijde, 2007
Art & Advice, Hasselt, 2006
Kunstproject Démens, De Zeyp, Ganshoren, 2006
Lion Art, Sint Pieters Leeuw, 2003 and 2005.
“Van de seventies tot de nieuwe Romantiek”, Anderlecht, 2001
De Markten, Brussel, 1995.
“Entre amis”, Leuven, 1994
Geert de Smet, “Stop:Watch”, drawings, 2015
Catalogue expo Art Brut, result from an open workshop with psychologically vulnerable persons, ’t Vlot en De Passant, 2012
Catalogue “Het Paradijs-Le Paradis-The Paradise”, Galerie De Buck, 2012
Geert De Smet, “Fail again. Fail better”, beelden en tekeningen, 2012
Geert De Smet, “In de werkelijkheid is alles anders”, sculptures and drawings, 2008
Wijland jaarboek, 2007
Catalogue “Van de seventies tot de nieuwe Romantiek”, Anderlecht, 2001
Training and Education
Academy of Visual Arts (ABKA), Anderlecht: Drawing and painting, 1996.
Royal Conservatory of Brussels: First Prize for Dramatic Arts, 1988.
Rijks Instituut voor Toneel- en Cultuurspreiding, (RITCS): Theater Director, 1983